
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Drunk. For realzies.

Actually, I'm not drunk for realzies. But a very long time ago, I said that I would write a blog every day, even if it's like the day I wrote a journal entry that just said "Drunk." Today, is that day, because I'm tired and uninspired. Sorry team.

I was going to post a picture I took of some angry ants, but then my computer overheated and shut down. Swarms of ants are a little bit awesome. I like them because they're easy to confuse with swarms of aunts, but less dangerous. Later, the ants got me back (because, in general, they're camera shy) by biting my legs. Then I tried to take a picture of the bite, because it was dark and my camera's flash was the only way to see it. It didn't work, probably because I was walking as I took the picture.

Crap, happy song. Today I have to go with my most dependable happy song, Anthem by Leonard Cohen. It's my song for times where things aren't going as planned, when I feel like a failure. I'm not certain that many people who know me realize it because I try to hide it so that no one will call me on it when I fail, but I'm a massive perfectionist, so much so that I used to hit myself in the forehead every time I made a mistake during piano lessons as a child. My piano teacher used to get really upset because she thought my parents would end up thinking she was abusing me. For the record, she wasn't. Anyways, Anthem is the best song for those days when I'm depressed because, like most humans, I'm very far from perfect. I would quote it now and tell you why, but actually, I won't. Just find it on a day where you feel like you need it. You probably won't regret it. Unless you do. And if it doesn't work, I suggest plan B should be filling the void inside with nachos and icecream. And Plan C, some sort of field prancing. Just avoid ants (or aunts) because, ouch.

Anyhow, I won't promise tomorrow's post will be any better. I think my life needs more sleep.

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