
Thursday, May 27, 2010

I'm not feeling very "inciteful"

Grad formal last night was fantastic. My hair actually managed to curl in a way that wasn't reminiscent of an old, neglected Barbie doll, and the company, as always, was wonderful. There were about a thousand good blog ideas that I said I probably wouldn't remember, and then I didn't. They might come back to me, but I sort of doubt it. Since I had a pretty full day today, I'm crashing a bit now. The next few days blogs could get interesting, since time to write is not obviously available, but that's part of the fun of blog.

Although I forgot most ideas for blogging, I did come home to a Facebook message from my friend Vincenzo O'Lun in which he suggested I blog about not making plans to stalk people, because it probably won't work out then you'll be stressed and it won't be very attractive. Or so is my understanding. I'm going to clarify next time we have coffee, then I'll probably blog about that. Actually, his opposition to stalking is good to know about, since our friendship basically began when we kept encountering each other 2-5 times a day for no apparent reason. I'd assumed stalking was involved, but knowing his feelings on it now, it was probably coincidence or demon related. He also messaged last night to let me know he was going to leave a wall post for Yelsel to remind her that he helped pay for formal (something with a camelback ridiculously full of water...I didn't read too closely, but it probably made some sort of sense.) If I'd known he felt that way about it beforehand, I would have shoved my leftover chicken and steak in my purse to bring to him today. But I didn't. Which is probably good for that purse, which I do enjoy.

I always look forward to my coffee dates with Vincenzo, because he is generally full of intrigue, and yet a complete open book. He lives in his own world, with his own set of clearly defined rules that I'm not familiar with (well, maybe other people live there too, but I haven't met them. The point is, I'm not from there). So, being friends with him is like doing a very large jigsaw puzzle. You start talking and you don't quite know what's happening, but you ask a few questions and then you realize, what you were putting together wasn't the dogs ear, it was his hind leg, then it all makes sense. Until you try to put attach that leg to anything. Figuring that out is going to take another coffee.

Once, Vincenzo told me the story of the Jehova's witness that used to visit him. One day he came to the door and Vincenzo told him he was already Christian, then the witness asked if they could read scripture together. So, Vincenzo thought, "Well, I'm not really planning to do anything for a few hours, why not?"

At this point in the story, I asked, "So, you just invited him in to read scripture?"

"No," Vincenzo responded, "I held him at the threshold." Apparently this occurred every 2 weeks for over a year. Vincenzo, standing at the door with his Jehova's witness friend, reading scripture, because he didn't really have other plans. I asked him if he ever felt like a tease, because I would, letting that poor guy come every week, thinking he's going to convert me when I know the whole time there's no chance. He didn't.

Once his Jehova's witness brought his wife over. Vincenzo wasn't expecting him that day, and when he answered the door, they seemed a little shocked because he was wearing a shirt with a machine gun on it (sorry Vincenzo if I put the wrong type of gun, I easily forget such details...I'm sure you'll correct me). So, they silently handed him a brochure on how guns are the number one evil of our times and slowly backed away (or so I imagined, during the telling of the story). "Guns? The number one evil?" Vincenzo said to me at this point in the story, "What about machetes?!" This was said as if I was supposed to already know the answer to that question. I think it's something like, "Of course, machetes, terrifying." I'm not really sure, I haven't quite completed that part of the puzzle yet.

This morning, I was talking to my friend Chutney Paradise, who I had not informed of the existence of blog yet. She's about a thousand times better at whatever it is that I'm doing than I am, but she said that she'd tried blogging but didn't have anything "inciteful" to write. At first I though this might be the greatest spelling error I'd ever encountered, until I realized there was every chance that she actually meant that she wanted to write something that would incite general chaos. I have many terrifying friends.

So, happy song time. I've realized that I keep on wanting to post songs that aren't happy at all, but I imagine they might be for god knows what reason (please don't start suggesting reasons), so this whole thing is going to get very interesting very soon. However, today has to be What I Got by Sublime, because the one thing I've learned over my 4 years in a ridiculously painful program is that the love of friends and family is can get me through anything, and this is the song I listen to when I need a reminder of this fact.

1 comment:

  1. LOL a million times. Yelsel D'stupid is pure gold, but I've never used that term when I'm around her. I respect her too much.

    Yes I'm full of intrigue, once people know me, it's like I open a new space dimension.

    Vincenzo O'Lun.
