Unfortunately, some things that I wanted to did not happen. For example: I really wanted the name Bark Montes to spread like wildfire, but not so much...yet. I was also hoping that someone would come to me on the street and say "I read your blog, here's a bag of money. Oh, wait, no, actually, here's two." Then I'm hoping that no police officers randomly shoot me because that person is actually a bank robber just looking to frame me. And then I look again, and it's not a person, but a bear wearing pants. Damn, they tricked me again.
Speaking of pants, today I saw the greatest pants ever. I could have taken a picture, but it would have been much too awkward, since it was a close encounter in an empty and ugly hall, so I couldn't even pretend to be taking a picture of anything else. I will draw a picture though.

The colours might not be exactly the same, and the buttocks are a little too large, but this captures the basic impression the pants made on me. They were like a reverse mullet: Party in the front, business in the back. I wonder if they're for people with mullets that feel a bit unbalanced. Like, if they work at a bar then they'd have the back of their head trying to move them to the party, but the front is saying "No, business." It probably causes more neck issues than we hear about. But not with these pants! Now your posterior and anterior can be equally party and business. Mullets everywhere are rejoicing, delicately, because they don't want to re-injure their cervical spine.
At this point I'd like to mention one of the many ways that blogging has improved my quality of life. I was scanning my pant diagram, when I thought, "Why does my pant picture look so much like my drivers license?" Then I though, "Wait, that is my drivers license!" And thus, were it not for the magic of blog, I probably would have left my license in my printer/scanner/copier until the next time that I suddenly found myself without vital photo ID. Which would probably end up being somewhere important, like a court date for robbing a bank that was actually done by a bipedal bear wearing zubaz pants (see how I just improved your ability to imagine me being framed by the bear. I bet that's called something exciting, but I never payed enough attention in English. Let's just call it "onomatopoeia" because I find the real definition rarely lets me use that word in an everyday sentence. "You just onamatopeoeiaed the crap out of that balloon when you put that 'bang' caption beside it then popped it!" See how it just doesn't work.) (I just realized that maybe you don't need photo ID at a court date. I kind of figured you would, because most serious things you would, but maybe they'd just be like, "We trust you, because we all saw the news report and subsequent YouTube video of you resisting arrest, screaming 'It was the bears, the bears I tell you, you have the wrong species, and I'm not even wearing zubaz pants.'") (I bet it's fun to decipher back to back parentheses.)
After encountering the greatest pants in the history of pants (which is a long and sordid one), I met my friend Saylinds Selfish who was doing inventory in the strangest storage room in history. She showed me how she'd found a bottle of Vodka (keep in mind, this is a school storage room), right above a tube of lubricant (which actually makes sense at our school, but it's more amusing to me if I don't really explain why and let imaginations run wild). Earlier, she'd found a vial of blood. If I found a vial of blood, I would probably try to clone it. I'm not sure why I'd only do it if I found one (as opposed to took one), maybe because I like things like kindersurprises, because even though the toys are cheap, Surprise! My random vial of blood clone baby would be like that. Either I eat through the chocolaty outside and inside is an awesome toy car, or I get through and find some sort of random figurine of an angry dolphin (or something equally inane). Now that I'm really thinking this plan through, most of my life's kindersurprises have either ended up in the garbage, or I've stepped on them and carefully removed them from my foot to place in the garbage. I think society might frown on me if I do that with my kinderclone. Which I guess means you win, random vial of blood....this time.
ReplyDeletethis blog made me heart you and miss you, which is a confusing and exciting emotion involving a noun as a verb. it is my first time reading your blog and it was like you were here reading it to me. keep writing your ramblings, because i miss hearing them in person!
Karen G.