I've already put in so much time that I feel like I should probably finish it up, hence watching the finale as I write this. I'm amused, but not enthralled, as I was in the past. Since so many of my friends and family seem to have given up on watching it live, I'm not going to reveal anything here so that they don't destroy me, even though at this point in the episode, I feel like the world (well, the Lost watching world) is going to sigh a collective "Oh, really? huh," tomorrow, so I'm not worried about spoiling too much. It might turn it around, I don't know. Unfortunately, so far, it seems like this post won't.
Since I feel don't feel particularly amusing tonight, I figured I should probably steal other peoples amusing qualities. The following are pictures of the ice cream bowl that my grandfather made for me a few years ago (or many, time is a mystery to me).
You probably noted that it's the most fabulous bowl you've ever seen. Good assessment. Please don't steal it from me, because I love it very much. The reason that my grandfather made such a bowl for me is that I love sugar, as you might have noted if you've read one or more of my previous posts. When I was younger, I used to speed skate. I liked it because I got to go fast and play with sharp things, but I hated it because I wasn't very good at winning. My grandfather noted this fact and traced it back to my weak start. I'm not sure why it was so weak, maybe I just wasn't as afraid as gunshots as most preteens are. So, to encourage me to improve my start, he promised me chocolate if I received a penalty for false starting. Once, I was in a race with a false start, I don't think it was me, but I can still remember him beckoning me over to him later. As I got close up, he opened his jacket to reveal a chocolate bar. He was like a 70 year old drug dealer, but instead of drugs, he had chocolate. He was good at it, because I'm still hooked.
Wow, this show has an impressive number of commercial breaks. So, I think it's time for a happy song of the day before Lost completely shuts my head down. Light and Day by the Polyphonic Spree. I swear I've listened to it every morning I feel like I just can't get started for the past 5 or 6 years. Even though it's ridiculous for a ginger to seek out the sun, due to the burning and subsequent death due to burning, it's still happy.
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