
Monday, May 10, 2010


Today, I finally achieved my lifetime dream of petting a cow. Actually, it was really only a 2 day dream, and I'm not completely certain that I haven't petted a cow at some other point in my past, but I realized a dream of some sort, and that's what counts. The following is pictorial evidence.
This did not last long before she decided to show me exactly how she felt about me petting her by eliminating a large amount of waste on her tail. I tried to pet her again, but, she had managed to protect herself by swatting herself on either side, leaving a manure barrier between me and fantastic cow petting. This made me say, "Clever move, my bovine opponent." (or wait, maybe it was more like "Ew...there's manure everywhere." but who really knows...except for Shamus and Lilliput's sister Angelica...and their dog Tobias...and the video of the entire event that Shamus was taking. But other than that, no one knows what actually transpired.) and look for something else to pet. Unfortunately, the other cows were reportedly more likely to destroy me, so my only response at this point was this:
Note that I'm running with my head down, because when running from bloodthirsty cows, one should always watch for cow pies, or else live to regret it. You can't say you don't learn valuable life lessons from reading this blog.

Later, we had a lovely game of croquet, far away from the cow pies. Since most of my croquet knowledge has come from Alice in Wonderland, I had trouble figuring out how one is supposed to play without flamingos and hedgehogs. We seemed to work it out though, and in the 3rd game, I came in second place by default when everyone else decided they didn't want to play for second place, so one might say I'm a croquet master of sorts.

I logged onto Facebook today and it said "Sharon, you can now use Facebook to send thanks." Which made me think, "Crap, I've clearly been thanking people illicitly through Facebook for years." In fact, the majority of times I send messages on Facebook or e-mail, I like to try to slip in a request, just so that I'll have something to thank them for, because I have an awful time choosing a good sign-off. I do "Cheers" sometimes, and "Regards" can be good when you really don't know someone, or want to give it a little chill at the end, but really there's nothing like a good "Thanks" to end a message. Anyways, I was curious about this whole Facebook thanks thing, so I clicked on it, and all that happened was a new message opened with the subject line: "Thanks!" I'm luckly I had them to do this for me, because, had I done it myself, I would have had no idea where to place the exclamation point for maximum effect, and my person would have been left feeling completely unthanked. Th!ank you Facebook for once again enriching my life.

Char-Char (my 6 month old niece) came over to help me finish my blog. She's much better with a computer than I am, and managed to open some sort of magical code box and then reset my internet privacy settings. I would have let her do more, since she seemed to really know what was going on, but when she started drooling on the "R" key, I realized it might be time for a computer break. Although, I'm not certain that she didn't just know something more than me. Like that drooling on the "R" key will reprogram your computer to start dispensing delicious milkshakes, or that liberal use of words starting in "R" will help make a blog really rewarding for readers, as well as (w)riters. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr (that's me rolling an "R" to close off this post, in case you're confused, but I'll do it again now for effect). Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

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