
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Concentrated Awesome

Yesterday, I spent a lot of time blogging about my attempts to overcome my blah mood. I failed. A lot. Today, I was pulled out of my blah mood early in the day when I was reminded of my friend Katydid Howhow. Basically, thinking of her made me realize that I'm a whiny little bitch who deserves some undefinable horror to happen to me for even entertaining the idea of a bad mood when I've been so incredibly blessed in my life.

You see, Katydid has been going through a generally rough time, which you can read about on her blog Bathroombound. The fact that she's going through a lot should already be enough to convince a me that I don't really have the right to be in a bad mood, but, usually bad mood days are also particularly selfish days, so it's usually not. But, what makes it impossible to indulge in a state of utter misery when thinking about her is the fact that she contains more awesome per pound than any person in the history of awesome. Even with her recent weight loss, it seems that rather than losing awesome it's just concentrating into some sort of super dense awesome goo. Apart from hoping that she doesn't lose more weight because of her health, I'm also concerned because I don't know if the awesome can concentrate any further without catastrophic complications for all (like a nuclear bomb times a trillion). Read her blog, you'll see what I mean (not about the catastrophe, but about the awesomeness). Anyways, the point is, you can't be exposed to that much raw awesome without any specs of blah mood being completely obliterated.

I'm not sure exactly when my friendship with Katydid began. I was aware of her existence for a long while before we actually spoke, because she's one of those people you just know. Since I'm one of those people who likes to hide behind things and let people imagine I'm mute, I don't know if she was aware of my existence. Somehow, this year, we went from potentially aware of each others existence to joking every time we met that we hadn't seen each other in so long, when usually it had been maybe a day. That was our thing. When suddenly I actually wasn't seeing her in December, I assumed that she had become bored of our standard joke and was ducking into doorways and hiding behind plants when she saw me coming. It's one of those problems with being ginger, people can avoid you without difficulty since your translucent skin and fiery hair are easily spotted from a distance.

Eventually, I learned that she was not hiding from me, but I wish she had been, because stories of avoiding gingers probably would make-up an equally good blog and involve less overall pain for her. However, the amount of concern that I have about her is less than I would for any other person, due to the aforementioned superhuman levels of awesome, which make me believe she can survive 10000x what the average person could. I have seen nothing in happen in the last few months that could negate this theory. I haven't excessively theorized about where she might have come from, but I have a few ideas: one of those random Zeus affairs with human that pop up in Greek mythology so often and produce Hercules and the like, some sort of secret government experiment created by combining the DNA of John Lennon, Albert Einstein and Jim Henson, or, the most likely, she is a figment of my imagination. The third one would have been exciting, because she could have been my Fight Club alter-ego and we could have lived together in a creepy old house raising an army and making soap. Sigh. But, others seem aware of her, so it doesn't seem so likely. Another dream shattered. I'm hoping that when she's doing better, she might still consider doing it anyways (making soap I mean, not becoming my alter-ego, due to the impossibility), because it would be fun.

Apart from needing to write about the fact that her mere existence pulled me out of my funk, I'm blogging today because she's going in for surgery soon. I would give an exact date, but it would reveal my ultimate weakness, which is my inability to figure out Facebook countdowns. 5 days from a status posted on Thursday is....Christmas? Sometimes I think all countdowns lead to Christmas. I'm wrong. The point is, if you have some extra positive energy lying around, please send it to her, because, when she comes out the other end of this, she is going to be a terrifying force to reckon with, since from what I hear, what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger, and she was already pretty damn strong. So, let us send her some positive energy so that she's a happy terrifying force to reckon with, instead of the type that will opt for world domination and enslavement of the human race. As well as me requesting positive thoughts, I believe she has requested blood donations, but I don't think you're supposed to actually send it directly to her. I think I might try anyways, I do know where to find it.

Happy song of the day: Better Things by The Kinks. I actually discovered it listening to a Kinks cover album, so I also love the Fountains of Wayne version, since it's the first I heard. It actually manages to perfectly walk the line between happy and saccharine, or so I believe. It's best listened to while dancing like a crazy person. I myself opt for a lot of jumping and spinning, with some wild arm actions. It might just be the general increase in blood flow to the brain, but I can't get through this one without feeling like a thousand kinds of amazing.

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