
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Not striving for quality or quantity, but simply existence

I've been trying to blog frequently since my last post, but I'm finding that between work, running, frisbee and studying, I just don't have the time to produce the free-flowing rambles I have become accustom to publishing. Well, I do have the time for them, just not time to write them down. If I could take all the thoughts that run through my head while I'm running and transcribe them, that might work, but I'm not yet aware of any thought extracting technology that could accomplish that for me, so they're generally lost to the ages by the time I'm home. However, one did stick with me yesterday, and that idea was that instead of trying to produce the longer posts I used to and failing, that maybe I should just periodically blog whatever random thing occured to me during the day that managed to stay until I had a chance to record it.

Actually, I lied, two thoughts stuck with me yesterday, that one I just mentioned, the shorter, slightly less coherent, posts idea, and one about how awesome my running music is. This occured to me as the non-dance remix version of Safety Dance came on. I also have a dance remix version, hence the distinction. Sometimes, if I'm pretty sure there aren't any people around, I'll spell safety outloud, because how can you not. If there are people around, I just imagine that I'm in the video, which improves my running since the people in it generally terrify me, and terror naturally leads to speed.

My exercise music is pretty much an accumulation of every song that has ever motivated me in my life that I have on my computer, which I think makes me cool. But as I was running, I thought that perhaps not everyone would realize exactly how cool I am, because only I can hear my music when that song they sing in the Muppet Movie when they're painting Fozzie's uncle's Studebaker comes on. So I decided to blog it. Which I just did. So there we go.

I think this new blogging will go well.

1 comment:

  1. I've always been a big fan of running to Eye of the Tiger. The beat's not too fast for me, and how can you not be inspired!?
    PS where are you? Should I just read your blog to find out? You'd better not be in Toronto or I just missed you while I was there. Can we be blogging buddies? I find plenty of time for it while (ehm) studying.
