
Friday, September 24, 2010

People suck. Except for you. I like you. Probably.

Today, I went to work, even though I'm still pretty sure I'm facing imminent death, but that's no reason not to continue to build up my estate. I'm not sure if people were more rude and stupid, or whether I was just more sensitive to the general rudeness and stupidity that exists around me every day because I'm sick right now. A woman came in to the store and asked what samples we have. I was confused and didn't really know off the top of my head, since our testers aren't always consistent and I wasn't really trained to memorize what is free in the store. She couldn't really wait for me to look though. "I'm not going to buy anything, I just need something to get this fish smell off my hands," she said impatiently. As I spent another 10 seconds looking, she said, as if I were an incompetent idiot, "Surely you must have something."

I think it was just irritating because of the absolute lack of appreciation for the system we're working in. Yes, she clearly had money, and I'm assuming that allows her to be pretty nasty to people in everyday life. But, when you're going into a store and blatantly announcing that you won't be buying anything, there is no reason for me to give a crap how much money you have. I'm paid to be nice to people, with money from products sold to said people. I'm not paid by people stealing free samples. If you're going to come into a store and announce that you have no intention of purchasing anything, at least understand that I have no obligation to treat you any better than you're treating me. People aren't being nice to you because you are awesome or you deserve it, they are being nice because they want your money, so if they already know they're not going to get it, they might just start acting exactly like you. If you're going to be a total bitch, at least do it with logic and don't announce that you're not buying anything as if it entitles you to better service from me. That is all I ask.

Other people were irritating, but just in your standard, run of the mill, I-hate-my-life-so-I'm-going-to-do-my-best-to-try-to-make-you-hate-yours-as-well-but-really-it's-just-going-to-make-you-hate-me-further-increasing-the-total-hate-in-the-world-directed-at-me kind of way. So I won't write anymore about those.

Sometimes, I walk to the grocery store nearby because it's the closest washroom to the store. Today, they had various jazz ensembles playing to celebrate something or other. Instead of making me happy, or giving me a desire to buy many groceries, it just made me sad. These people spend their life trying to make it as a musician, and then they end up playing in a grocery store. I guess it could be better than busking, but I feel like busking has a certain nobility to it that playing for people buying their broccoli doesn't. I imagine that playing jazz standards in a grocery store probably gives the mind a lot of time to wander and consider where exactly ones musical career is going. I know it very well could end up being one of the first scenes in the made for TV movie about the making of their incredibly successful band in 20 years, but somehow I doubt it. Partially because TV probably won't exist anymore, replaced with some sort of brain chip receiving from a satellite that just gives you new entertaining memories, or something equally terrifying. Either way, every bathroom break made me a little sadder than the one before, which is not the point of a bathroom break.

But, in the end, the whole day was made better by free cake, reminding me that there is nothing that cannot be solved by free dessert. Except perhaps for respiratory infections, which will most likely be made much worse by the simple sugars feeding the little bastards currently making me miserable. However, I can probably take solace in the fact that every random antisocial idiot that I encountered today also encountered my germs. Life really isn't all that bad I guess.

1 comment:

  1. "These people spend their life trying to make it as a musician, and then they end up playing in a grocery store. I guess it could be better than busking, but I feel like busking has a certain nobility to it that playing for people buying their broccoli doesn't."

    LOVE this. Made me smile. :->
